Important NDIS Funding Announcement

Published: 3 March 2022
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NDIS have advised us that as of 1 March 2022, they have increased the limit for “Mid-Cost Assistive Technology” from $5,000 to $15,000. They have also changed the way the funds are issued, as well as changing the supporting document requirements.

This is excellent news for those waiting for funding, and we have a strong expectation that this will decrease waiting times!

NDIS have 3 levels of procedure they use when reviewing funding applications:

1. Low cost – up to $1,500. Quote not required.

2. Mid cost – from $1,500 to $15,000 (was $5,000). Written evidence to support claim from an authorised AT Advisor (ATA) required.

3. High cost – over $15,000. Quote required.

If you do not yet have your required Mid-cost AT in your NDIA Plan, you need to meet with your therapist and discuss your needs. If they agree that there is AT that meets your needs, you can ask them to write a letter for you (NDIA call this “evidence”) outlining four important points:

  1. What is the AT type you need (eg Manual Folding Wheelchair, or Gait Trainer, etc.)?
  2. How will this item help you with your disability support needs?
  3. Why is this item the best value approach, to help you towards your goals?
  4. What is the expected price range for this type of equipment? This price range needs to be estimated, based on your therapist’s knowledge of AT pricing, and your needs. If they need any guidance on this, we offer free consultation to help estimate this price range.

Note that no trial or quote is required at this stage, unless the estimate is that the equipment will cost more than $15,000.

You can read more on this approach to getting Assistive Technology in your NDIA plan via this article: Click HERE

If you are currently waiting for funding approval for Assistive Technology that is valued between $1,500 and $15,000, based on an Astris PME AT quote, we have the following advice for you:

a) If you have received NDIS notification via SMS or email, advising you that they have approved the payment into your plan, you can contact us via  with details of the NDIS notification.

b) Self-managed or Plan-managed? You or your plan manager can create the service booking and draw down the funds. Astris PME will convert the quote to a Pro Forma Invoice, ready for you to pay from your NDIS funds.

c) Agency-managed? Astris PME can raise the service booking for you.

d) We will now fast track the procurement, assembly, QA, delivery and fitting of your new equipment. We require your OT or PT to be present during the hand-over appointment.

If you have not yet heard from NDIS that they have updated your Plan to include funding for your new equipment, we recommend you contact NDIS directly for an update.

Expiry Date of Quotes:

Astris PME quotes are guaranteed for 60 days from when the quote is raised. This is to protect both of us from movement in equipment and logistic costs.

  • If your quote is less than 2 months old, it is still valid
  • If your quote is older than 2 months, but less than 12 months, and you can proceed with the purchase before 31 March 2022, we will honour the quote unless there has been a significant (15% plus) supplier price change. We are doing this so we can FAST TRACK your equipment.
  • If your quote is over 12 months old, please email  and have your quote updated.

We encourage you to act fast on processing your order, to avoid delays due to the increasing backlog of orders going into NDIS Providers at the current time. Astris PME have the lowest/fastest lead-times for scripted (complex) Assistive Technology in Australia and are committed to keeping it that way!

If it is over 2 months since your therapist confirmed that the quoted equipment is right for you, your condition, and goals, we request an updated trial with your therapist OR a letter from them confirming your needs have not changed, and that the quoted equipment is still right for you.

Details of this NDIS announcement can be found here:

If you have any questions, please contact:

Astris PME: 1300 131 884 or

NDIS Participant Support: 1800 800 100 or

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